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Halfday Tea Institute Loose Leaf Series 半日焙茶所 · 散茶系列

項目 PROJECT| 半日焙茶所 ·  散茶系列包裝識別與文案撰寫
Halfday Tea Institute Loose Leaf Tea Series Packaging Design and Copywriting for Tea & Teaware Store

以「 溫故知新 」為概念,為迪化街老屋改建後的選物空間 Dihua Halfday 的台灣茶系列 { 半日焙茶所 Halfday Tea Institute } 進行品牌整體視覺規劃,品牌結合具代表性的台灣茶與百年老屋,期望能為大稻埕新舊交融的特殊氛圍,創造傳統與現代交融的新經典。

Dihua Halfday is a concept store renovated from Dihua Street old house, launching a new Taiwanese tea series project “ Halfday Tea Institute ”, and carry out the overall visual planning of the brand with the concept of “ Gaining New Insights through Reviewing." The brand is based on a combination of representative Taiwanese tea and century-old house. I wish to merge the tradition and modernity to create another classic based on the reminiscent atmosphere of Da Dao Cheng.​​​​​​​

Brand Concept :

半日二字典出唐詩人李涉 { 登山 } 中,對於身在無定的人世光景中多得半日清閒的感悟 。焙茶是指用火烘製茶葉的工序,經過烘焙程序抑制茶葉的苦澀味,提高茶香品質,增加回甘口感。透過慢慢醞釀以及恰到好處的火候拿捏,傳遞品牌  「 半日慢行 」的生活之道。 

「 半日 」の二文字は、唐の時代の詩人、李渉の「 登山 」という詩を出典としており、不安定な世の中で、気楽な半日の時間を過ごすことができたという作者の感慨に由来しています。また、 「 焙茶 」とは、茶葉の焙煎工程を指しており、焙煎を行うことで、茶葉の苦みと渋みを抑え、上質な香りと甘い余韻を引き立たせることができます。半日焙茶所では、ほど良い火加減でじっくりと時間をかけて茶葉を仕上げることにより、「 ゆっくり半日を過ごす 」という当ブランドが大切にするライフスタイルをお伝えしています。 

The core concept “ Halfday ” comes from the poem Mountain Climbing written by the Tang Dynasty poet Li She, which indicates the half-day leisure feelings in the world of impermanence. Roasting refers to the process of baking tea leaves by charcoal or gas. After roasting process, the bitterness of the tea is suppressed, the quality of the tea is improved, and the sweet aftertaste of the tea is increased. The Halfday Tea Institute project delivers our brand's "Halfday Downshifting" lifestyle through slow brewing and just the right degree of roasting process.

新的散茶系列 ( 條索型茶葉 30g / 球型茶葉 50g ) 包裝,讓喜歡喝茶的人依不同的場合與需求,都能找到最適合的飲用方式。​​​​​​​

12 入原葉袋茶系列 Whole Leaf Pyramid Teabag Series  ( 左 Left )

30g / 50g 散茶系列 Loose Leaf Tea Series ( 右 Right )

№01|日月潭紅玉 Sun Moon Lake Black Tea
№02|凍頂烏龍 凍頂ウーロン茶 Tungting Oolong
№04|阿里山金萱 Alishan Jinxuan Oolong 
№09|阿里山高山烏龍 Alishan High Mountain Oolong
№01|日月潭紅玉 Sun Moon Lake Black Tea

日月潭地區獨特的氣候與地理條件,讓南投魚池成為台灣紅茶的故鄉,這裡成功培育出聞名全球的「 台茶18號 」,獨一無二的芬芳正是台灣的驕傲。茶質醇厚,有天然肉桂與薄荷的香氣,在半日的午茶時光與甜點相襯,一口茶一口甜,便是生活裡最簡單的幸福。 
日月潭地区特有の気候と地理的条件により台湾紅茶の里となった南投県魚池郷。この地で栽培に成功し世界に名を馳せる「 台茶18号 」がもつ唯一無二の香りは、まさに台湾の誇りです。ナチュラルなシナモンとミントの香りが漂う芳醇な味わいは、昼下がりのティータイムにいただくお菓子と一緒にぴったり。お茶とお菓子を一口ずつゆっくりと味わえば、この上なくシンプルで幸せなひと時をお楽しみいただけます。
Due to the unique climate and geographical conditions, the Sun Moon Lake area in Nantou Yuchi Township has become an important area for Taiwan black tea plantation. This area successfully cultivated a world-renowned new tea tree variety – TTES No.18 ( Red Jade ). This new variety with unique aroma proves Taiwan's strength in the field of tea tree breeding. Black tea made from this variety is full-bodied with aroma of mint and cinnamon. Just make a cup of ‘Red Jade’ black tea at a tea time with a dish of dessert. Sit down for a bite of tea with a bite of dessert, so that the taste of tea and dessert mix with each other on your taste buds. Such kind of satisfaction is truly the simplest happiness in life.
№02|凍頂烏龍 凍頂ウーロン茶 Tungting Oolong

南投國姓鄉海拔1100公尺的九份二山上,這裡以自然農法種植的茶樹天然 無污染,茶農在製茶過程中把青心烏龍的茶菁放入布包內揉捻,將職人精神充分 揉進茶葉裡的這道工序稱為「 布揉 」,反覆多次後茶葉呈結實勻整的半球型,葉片展開邊緣鑲上紅邊,正是凍頂烏龍的特色,熱水泡開後茶湯呈現金黃明亮的琥珀色,茶香簡約而高雅,入口甘潤,喉韻十足,是最具代表性的台灣茶。 /
Our tea garden is located on Jiufen Ershan Mountain, 1,100 meters above sea level in Nantou Guoxing Township. Tea farmers use natural farming methods to grow tea trees, so our product is pure and pollution-free.The tea maker uses the traditional “cloth-rolling” technique to make tea : In order to make the tea leaves into a tight spherical shape, the tea leaves will be wrapped in a cotton cloth, rolled into a large ball, pressed, and extracted for 30 to 40 rounds. As a result, the leaf edge of  Tungting oolong turns red.The infusion is bright amber with relaxing aroma and smooth aftertaste with sweetness. Tungting oolong tea is indeed one of the most representative Taiwanese teas.
№09|阿里山高山烏龍 ありさんこうざんちゃAlishan High Mountain Oolong

阿里山公路沿線海拔約 1300-1500M 的「 石棹茶區 」,位處阿里山山脈的迎風面,全年平均濕度90.4%,年均溫不超過攝氏20度,非常適合茶樹生長。 除了良好的先天地理條件,藉由經驗豐富的製茶師以難度較高的充足發酵技術,輕柔且多次的雙手攪拌讓蘊含在茶葉中的豐富成分轉化為迷人的花香味, 茶湯滋味甘甜且耐沖泡。 
Shizhuo area is located beside the Alishan Highway, with an altitude of about 1300-1500M. The tea area is located on the windward side of the Alishan Mountains. The annual average humidity there is 90.4%, and the annual average temperature does not exceed 20ºC. Thus, it is very suitable for tea plantation. In addition to good innate geographical and climatic conditions, the experience of tea makers is also a key factor in making good tea. Rely on rich tea making experience, our tea makers decide to use the more difficult withering technique-gently flip the tea leaves by hands to oxidase it evenly and turn the ingredients into fascinating floral notes. The finished tea tastes sweet with mild body and can be re-brewed for many times. 

Halfday Tea Institute Loose Leaf Series 半日焙茶所 · 散茶系列


Halfday Tea Institute Loose Leaf Series 半日焙茶所 · 散茶系列
